The Book:
A 350 page memoir of a Navy Journalist's 14 months with the Seabees.

Photographs and text copyright © 1967 and 2019 by David H. Lyman

Build a track repair building for the 813th Ordinance
Build a maintenance shop for MAG – 13
Put down a well for the Korean Marine Camp’s laundry
Replace the pads on the Arresting gear on the short SATS runway
Build a Supply Building for The 9th Engineer Battalion
August ’67 Projects
Put down a water well for the Signal Battalion
Erect an FSI Cantonment
Put down a water well for the NSD
Complete the revetments for MAG– 13
Bill generator shed for MAG – 12
Install flat line pads for MAG – 13
September ’67 Projects
Provide assistance in construction for MA CV advisory team
Complete Ready Pads for MAG – 13
Rebuild the center seam on the Chu Lai West Runway
Put down a water well for ta IWCS
Build the Conference Room for MAG – 13
October ’67 Projects
Completed a 5,000 seat outdoor amphitheater
Completed repairs, expansion and modifications to the main service road drainage
Build a storage shed for MAG – 12
Completed an Air field Maintenance building for NSD
Built a school in Khuong Long
Built a cantonment for the AMERICAL Division in Doc Pho
Completed Ready Ammo Pads for MAG – 12
Built and Engine Maintenance Shop for MAG – 12
Built a Group Headquarters building for MAG – 13
Editor: This is just a list. The individual entires do NOT in anyway represent the amount of effort, man-power, danger, materials moved and used. I have turned the Navy Jargon into more readable text.